Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thoughtful Thursday

Diets have been on my mind a lot lately as I have recently gained a lot of weight as a result of living with someone else temporarily while our house is getting built. This is not good as I have my first fitting for my wedding dress in October.

Now I've been in this predicament before and actually lost 30lbs by doing and working out like 6 days a week. So I know how to loose weight but I have until this week lost the motivation to do anything about it and just making excuses. Well NO MORE EXCUSES!!!!!

But now I need help going in the right direction. I am already running twice to three x a week at a park with one of my bridesmaids when I can but that hasn't been enough. I fasted yesterday and made it through the day but all I ended up with was a HUGE headache. So today I had a fiber one granola bar for breakfast and for lunch I had grilled tilapia, green beans, and cabbage. Pretty healthy huh?

Can anyone give me any advice on how they have lost weight for their wedding or in general? Any advice is much appreciated!

1 comment:

Michelle Summer Designs said...

For the wedding, I basically used an online food journal and I tracked everything that went into my tummy. It made me much more aware of what I was eating and how many calories were in things that I thought were innocent! I was able to lose about 20 pounds before the wedding, starting about 3 months out.

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