Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Christmas time is my favorite time of the year. When I was younger this time of year was always a big deal with my family. I came from a family whose parents had a drug problem and we were pretty poor. But no matter what we always had the best Christmas!

It is just a few days before you are supposed to decorate for Christmas and I couldn't take it anymore. This is our first Christmas at our new house and I was overjoyed in decorating. I put on Christmas music and Joey and I put up our tree and I decorated. I can't wait until we have kids and they can help me decorate like I helped my mom.

Here are some pictures of my Christmas decorations. Hope they get you in the spirit!


Thursday, November 19, 2009


OMG!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how excited I am! I received my very first blog award from Next to Heaven!Thank you soooooo much for the award. I dont have very many followers so this really excites me! I actually met Next to Heaven at UH while getting involved with the Public Relations Student Society of America. I took over her duties when she graduated. She is the sweetest and nicest person! Thanks again Val!

The rules are: List 10 things that make you happy.
Try to do at least one of them today.
Tag 10 bloggers that brighten your day.
Make sure to link back to the person that tagged you.

10 things that make me {very} happy!!

1. Just being around my fiance.
2. Planning my wedding!
3. Seing my neices and nephew.
4. Of course going shopping especially for shoes and purses!
5. Spending time with friends and family.
6. Eating period!
7. Getting my hair done.
8. Watching movies.
9. Decorating my house.
10. Drinking white wine.

Now to tag 10 lovely bloggers...

{in no particular order-and I'm sure I'm duplicating some who've already received the award}

and if its a hero you want, i can save you, The Perfect Palette, The Future Mrs. Smith, The Brehm Family Blog, Welcome to CIS Houston, Life As Eye See It, Fidgeting Gidget, Paris Breakfasts, Next to Heaven, Classic Bride.

Thoughtful Thursday

This is our new bedroom furniture that we purchased last night from Rooms To Go. We did not get the Chest but instead got the matching media center to go with it. To see the full collection, visit We also got a free 32' LCD TV and a new Sealy Posturepedic mattress. We are so excited! We will receive our bed, dresser and media center on Wednesday and then have to wait for everything else until Dec. 17.

We can not wait to put our newly given bedding set on it!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wedding Wednesday

So I know I missed Tisk-Task Tuesday yesterday so in case your wondering we have 157 days left!!!!!! Time is just flying by! Well today my Matron of Honor is sending out my bridal shower invitations!!! My cousin did a great job, I totally love them!

One thing I do need to say for any of my friends that will be reading this, I am sorry that I can not invite everyone to our wedding/bridal shower. We have not just 2 but 3 families that we have to invite and our guest list is at 150 people. We were only able to invite some of our close family and friends. I hope everyone understands. Believe me this has been hard for me to tell people we couldnt invite them. Don't take offense and just know that since we are paying for it by ourselves we couldnt afford to have our guest list get any bigger.

On lighter news, I found my flower girl shoes. I tried to find some pretty cheap ones and I looked at PayLess, Target, Walmart, Macy's and JcPennys and didnt find any that looked nice. So I found these at Davids Bridal. They will be white.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tisk-Task Tuesday

Countdown: 165 days!

As you know from my last post I recently purchased some wedding stuff! I ordered my shoes, bought my garter and flower girl dresses. I also finished registering for gifts this past weekend! Also yesterday I received my outer envelopes for my invitations.

Right now I am working on something to send to my out-of-town guests letting them know about hotel accomodations. I bought some wedding stationary and was just going to do a letter format. I'm trying not to spend a lot of money on it but if anyone has any ideas of something creative or other suggestions, feel free to let me know.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wedding To-Dos

Today was a fun day filled with wedding to-dos! First thing this morning I met Leah at Macy's at Memorial Mall to register for gifts. We registered for Joey and I's fine china along with our flatware and a few other items. This concluded our registration! Everyone can now find us registered at Macy's & Bed Bath and Beyond.

After that I drove to Baytown and picked up my mom and took her with me to look for shoes and flower girl dresses. My mom hasn't been really involved in the wedding planning so I thought this might make her feel better and it sure did! We had a wonderful time. I went to Davids Bridal to look for some shoes I thought I liked but once I saw them in person they didnt wow me. But I did find the perfect pair that did! What do you think about these?

I had to order my size and it takes 6 weeks for them to come in! But i think they are just so elegant and classy. While we were there I bought my garter set. I really wanted a garter that had some blue in it for my "Something Blue." What do you think?

Then we headed to Burlington Coat Factory to look for flower girl dresses. I chose Burlington's because they had the cheapest flower girl dresses. I think it is quite absurd to spend $100-$200 on a flower girl dress and I wouldnt expect anyone to pay that! So this is what we found. We had to buy four of them which was quite a challenge finding four of the same dresses in different sizes.

I have to say these pictures do not do these items justice!

Friday, November 6, 2009

First Wedding Gift

So I just got home from work and I see a package outside on the back porch. So I go out to look and I find our very first wedding present!!!! It is from my grandparents and my aunt's family. They bought us our bedroom set! I was soooo excited. Now we just need a queen size bed to put it on! We plan on getting that after the first of the year. So until then here is a  pic of what it will look like!